Create Private Key, Certificate Request and (optionally) self-signed cert using OpenSSL 
Monday, 11 February 2013, 20:00 - Apache Stuff, OpenSSL
Posted by Administrator
First, set the common name (CN, ~FQDN) for the certificate:

Change to the directory where you would like to store the data relevant for certificates, e.g.:
cd /etc/ssl

Then create a private key:
openssl genrsa -out private/${CN}.key 2048

Generate the signing Request, either:
a) interactively, you'll have to answer some questions...:
openssl req -new -key private/${CN}.key -out ${CN}.csr

b) using a customized openssl config file:
openssl req -new -config ${CN}-openssl.cnf -key private/${CN}.key -out ${CN}.csr

Now you may either:
a) send the certificate request to an (official or internal) Certificate Authority to sign the Certificate

b) for testing purposes only, you can also self-sign the certificate:
openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in ${CN}.csr -signkey private/${CN}.key -out certs/${CN}.crt

When you have received signed (or self-signed) certificate, you can copy all the files to the appropriate location.

Probably you have to create a combined pkcs#12 (.p12, .pfx) file, containing private key and certificates:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ${CN}.crt -certfile cafile.pem -inkey ${CN}.key -out ${CN}.pfx
(where cafile.pem is the ca certificate bundle of issuing certificate authority)

Clear the shell variable for the Common Name:

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Using Windows for direct access (WebDAV) to 
Monday, 21 January 2013, 12:58 - Knowledge, OwnSpace
Posted by Administrator
You can actually map network drives to webdav locations. To do so use this:

1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Rightclick on 'Computer'
3. Go to 'map network drive'
4. Choose station/drive letter
5. Enter this path:
6. Press OK and your set.

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New Blog 
Tuesday, 1 January 2013, 18:57 - Announcements
Posted by Administrator
Here you will find some stuff about Windows and Linux including how-to's and some tools. And last but not least, some information about the author, Mike Rhyner.

Please feel free to contact me or to leave a comment to one of the articles...
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QEMU/KVM Virtual Host Manager 
Saturday, 29 September 2012, 21:11 - Tools & more, QEMU/KVM Stuff
Posted by Administrator


This tiny script shows you a overview of the virtual machines on QEMU/KVM carrier servers using libvirt as management interface.

It can either show all virtual machines or only the running VMs.


This PHP Script requires PHP extension libvirt-php


Download the gzip'ped tar archive


Unpack the archive to a webserver document root with direct access to your libvirt hypervisors over TCP Port 16509 or SSH

Adapt at least the variables $dnsdomain and $arr_hosts to your infrastructure and change $comtype to "qemu+ssh" when SSH instead of direct port access is wanted

Try it out using http://yourwebserver/virtmgr/index.php

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Postfix Mail Queue Manager 
Saturday, 29 September 2012, 00:00 - Tools & more, Postfix Stuff, Mail stuff
Posted by Administrator


This PHP script shows the content of the mail queues of multiple servers and give you the possibility to hold, release, delete and reqeue single messages.

If you install a tiny wrapper script on mail servers, you may even remove or requeue multiple messages from a certain sender.

In addition, you can also requeue all messages (sendmail -q).


Download the gzip'ped tar archive


On a web- or intranet accessible host (access protection highly recommended!):
- Web Server with PHP script language support (shell_exec function has to be enabled)
- Key-based SSH access to mail servers for webserver user

On mail servers:
- Postfix
- sudo


Unpack the archive beneath a webserver document root

Adapt the variables $mailservers and $user to your needs, if you like to use the selection by sender e-mail address feature, configure also variable $wrapper_cmd

Add the following lines to /etc/sudoers on the mail server(s), assuming user admin for login to the mail server(s) (change it to your needs):

admin    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/postsuper
admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/postqueue
admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/
(last line only needed for selection by sender address)

If you want to use the selection by e-mail address feature, put to some path on the mail server(s) and make it executable, e.g.:
cp /usr/local/bin/
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/

Try it out using http://yourwebserver/mailqmgr/index.php
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