To add a new spelling dictionary, hyphenation dictionary or thesaurus files for another language, at least for OpenOffice 2.x:
Close all OpenOffice applications
Obtain the file for your language from OpenOffice Dictionaries Wiki
Unpack the zip-file to the dictionaries directory, e.g.:
Run install-dict:
Now you should see the new language module with Tools / Options / Language Settings / Writing Aids under "Available language modules"
Paths may vary, on my gentoo machine, the OpenOffice files are under
Close all OpenOffice applications
Obtain the file for your language from OpenOffice Dictionaries Wiki
Unpack the zip-file to the dictionaries directory, e.g.:
cd /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo
unzip /path/where/downloaded/
Run install-dict:
Now you should see the new language module with Tools / Options / Language Settings / Writing Aids under "Available language modules"
Paths may vary, on my gentoo machine, the OpenOffice files are under