QEMU/KVM Virtual Host Manager 
Saturday, 29 September 2012, 21:11 - Tools & more, QEMU/KVM Stuff
Posted by Administrator


This tiny script shows you a overview of the virtual machines on QEMU/KVM carrier servers using libvirt as management interface.

It can either show all virtual machines or only the running VMs.


This PHP Script requires PHP extension libvirt-php


Download the gzip'ped tar archive


Unpack the archive to a webserver document root with direct access to your libvirt hypervisors over TCP Port 16509 or SSH

Adapt at least the variables $dnsdomain and $arr_hosts to your infrastructure and change $comtype to "qemu+ssh" when SSH instead of direct port access is wanted

Try it out using http://yourwebserver/virtmgr/index.php

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