rsync to WebDAV drive 
Wednesday, 6 March 2013, 00:55 - Knowledge, OwnSpace
Posted by Administrator
For having an intuitive GUI synchronisation client, you may use grsync using a gvfs path on Linux or a Drive Letter on Windows where the WebDAV Storage is preliminary mounted. Or go for the commercial sync tool GoodSync which has WebDAV protocol built-in.

But now, when you try to synchronise with the WebDAV storage (e.g. to OwnSpace Web Storge or to Dropbox), you probably get many "file not found" errors and you end up with no files on the WebDAV storage.

To get that to work, you must use the rsync option "--inplace". Search for rsync options or an option meaning "directly write to files instead of temporary files".

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Configure Backup on Windows to an ssh backup service using rsync 
Tuesday, 5 March 2013, 13:08 - OwnSpace
Posted by Administrator
1. Get cwrsync and install the program
2. If private/public key authentication is needed (as with OwnSpace Offsite Backup), get PuTTYgen
3. Start PuTTYgen and generate a private / public key pair and convert the private key to an OpenSSH Key file.
4. Put the public key onto the backup server.
5. Get this batch file and put it somewhere on your computer and adapt the variables to your needs
6. Test the batch file running it from a command line
7. Go to Task Scheduler (to be found under Computer / Manage) and create a new Task with the batch file cwrsync.cmd as command to execute
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Using Windows for direct access (WebDAV) to 
Monday, 21 January 2013, 12:58 - Knowledge, OwnSpace
Posted by Administrator
You can actually map network drives to webdav locations. To do so use this:

1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Rightclick on 'Computer'
3. Go to 'map network drive'
4. Choose station/drive letter
5. Enter this path:
6. Press OK and your set.

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